Technical FAQ
Questions frequently asked by developers
- /connections endpoint returning connections, when no route is returned by /quote or /routes
- Response time /quote &/routes endpoints
- Difference between the /quote and /advanced/routes endpoints
- How do I get token details?
- API requests no longer works - CORS policy issue
- Where/How can I withdraw the collected fees ?
- Exchange rate has changed error
- How can I embed LiFi widget without changing routing?
- How to add a custom token via the widget, where the price is setup constant, for private sale purposes
- How can I get the transaction data using the LI.FI widget inside a react app
- Can I remove the ‘via LI.FI’ tag from the widget?
- Can I check the code of LI.FI’s APIs?
- Analysis of our smart contract transactions
- How do I use the API endpoints and interprete the responses?
- What happens behind the API when it comes to fetching quotes?
- Does LI.FI plan to support Flutter/Dart SDK or Widget?
- I recently integrated the LI.FI Widget. Why do I see less routes on the widget as compared to Jumper.Exchange?
- Can I simulate a call with the calldata returned from e.g. in Tenderly? Should I suppose to use the Executor contract & where to get the exact parameters for swapAndExecute or swapAndCompleteBridgeTokens ?
- Is there way to play (integrate) with swap widget on testnets (eg. Polygon Mumbai) ?
- Is the difference between toAmount and toAmountMin purely based on the slippage and if this is the case which is the default slippage when calling /quote route?
- How can I find get approve tx data and check for allowance?
- Do I have to always approve both the Executor and the Diamond in order to make a swap or will approve to the Diamond only will suffice?
- Can you share some insight on the fees structure of using LI.FI for a DApp?
- Who pays for gas cost on the source and destination chains?
- What happens when the bridge is successful, but the follow-up contract call reverts?
- How to call the LI.FI contract from another contract?
- Can I use the current SDK in a react native app?
- We want to decode the callData returned by LI.FI SDK/API to assert or verify that the parameters like toAddress, etc., are correct.
- Where can I view the facets deployment addresses?
- How does LI.FI handle max approvals/allowances?