Our routes have a maxPriceImpact parameter which filters out routes with too high a price impact. The higher the value set in maxPriceImpact, the more routes you will see (ie. you are more tolerant of high price impact routes).
By default, the maxPriceImpact is not set and if you do not manually set it, it defaults to 10% (meaning you are intolerant of high price impact routes and these will not be shown to your users). On Jumper.Exchange, the maxPriceImpact is set to a higher amount than the default. Thus, it is normal to see more routes on Jumper.Exchange as compared to the LI.FI Widget with default maxPriceImpact settings.
Do note that maxPriceImpact filter only applies to values greater than $10. For values less than $10, the filter will not apply (in other words it will show you all the routes, even though with a very high price impact).
To increase the maxPriceImpact threshold, please do the following:
sdkConfig: {
defaultRouteOptions: {
maxPriceImpact: 0.4, // increases threshold to 40%
Example 1: Many routes visible on Jumper.exchange
Example 2: For amounts > $10 no routes visible on LI.FI Widget because of default maxPriceImpact settings
Example 3: For amounts < $10 more routes visible on LI.FI Widget because filter does not apply